Daily Chinese horoscope
Wednesday 17 April 2024

Free and accurate daily horoscope of 17 April 2024
By Karmaweather - 26 February 2019
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved
Chinese calendar:
Day of the Metal Pig
Month of the Earth Dragon
Year of the Wood Dragon

Free Chinese Daily Horoscope for: Rat (Mouse), Ox (Buffalo), Tiger, Rabbit (Hare, Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Wild Boar)

Characteristics of 17 April 2024

Polarity of the day: Yin
Polarity of the month: Yang
Polarity of the year: Yang
Marriage and love: Inauspicious
Favorable directions: North Northwest
Lucky colors: Red, Pink, Orange
Energetic chart: Deficiency Fire
Destiny of birth (Yi Jing): After completion
Boy’s first names: Aidan, Aurelian, Chihed, Lucian,Lucas
Girl’s first names: Amber, Doha, Eloane, Mounira, Urielle

Daily horoscope of 17 April 2024

Metal Pig Day

The Metal Pig is a perfectionist. When he’s passioned for his work, he doesn't spare his time. Curious and open-minded, he attracts as much sympathy as enmity because of his simple and direct relationship with others. His emotional character can draw him as much trouble as his lack of diplomacy. Able to let himself drawn into violent anger, the Metal Pig must absolutely learn self-control if he wants to build his projects over time. Today, avoid any potential disputes, both during a meeting at work and during a family meal. No matter if your arguments are valid, you won't be able to control the course of events if the conversation turns sour. The Pig is known for his elegance, but also for his appetite and his overflowing sensuality. The evening promises to be torrid for lovers.

9th Lunar Mansion: the Cowherd

The lodge of the Cowherd is unfavorable. Friday, the Metal element and the planet Venus are symbolically attached to this house. The Lodge of the Cowherd has a direct link with the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver, whose union was as short as sad. It symbolizes travel, commerce and roads. Love or marital happiness is much less easy to reach for people born during the day.

Daily food and diet’s horoscope

Chinese stone of birth

Corrective stone of the day

yi king karma

Yi Jing hexagram of achievement (既濟, jì jì)

The being born under the "Yi Jing hexagram of achievement" is righteous, loyal and well mannered. He has rather refined manners and he is very appreciated by his social circle. Equipped with a remarkable communication capacity, he knows how to communicate with his interlocutors without ever offending them. In society, he is always polite and attentive, even if he has a total lack of interest in his interlocutor or subject. He is the typical portrait of the good Samaritan that we see in the movies. However, the being of the "Yi Jing hexagram of achievement" also has a frivolous side. As a result, he occasionally encounters obstacles because of his moments of carelessness. He also happens to be dominated by sudden desires, since the fleeting aspect of his personality often leads him to take an interest, then to lose interest, of the same subject at the speed of lightning. Be that as it may, the person of the "Yi Jing hexagram of achievement" always conveys to others the idea of ​​being happy and fulfilled in his life. Yet this is not always the case. Indeed, the being of the "Yi Jing hexagram of achievement" does not often share his sufferings. He prefers to fight in secret. But beyond a lack of sincerity or strength, the being of the "Yi Jing hexagram of achievement" chooses to keep his anxieties and his personal suffering for himself, so as not to sadden his entourage neither to fog the image that it sends back to society. Thus, his main existential challenge is to develop the faculty of never enjoying his achievements, or to overcome a possible passivity in the face of the vagaries of life. His true fulfillment is his ability to be more engaged in defending human and universal values, for which the collective effort is indispensable.

Metal Pig's Pillar of Destiny

"The gold of ornaments and hairpins" (Yin)

"The gold of ornaments and hairpins" (Yin)

Like its Yang version, the imaged destiny of the "gold of ornaments and hairpins" in its Yin polarity also expresses the idea of ​​refinement and grace that allow for an easier social climb. But in its Yin form, it is also about the usefulness of these beauty accessories, as well as their market value. Here, it is the principle of attaching and fixing soft things that is the central core of interpretation. Thus, the adaptability, the ability to discern and to materialize the aesthetics, as well as the clairvoyance, structure a strong impetus of progression.

In an unfavorable configuration with the other pillars, the imaged destiny of the "gold of ornaments and hairpins" in its Yin form may indicate superficiality or emotional imprisonment.

As a pillar of the day of birth, the obstacles appear to be minor, insofar as luck is camouflaged in the aspect of a natural and irresistible charm.