Obsidian Rainbow, spiritual awakening stone
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Obsidian rainbow: Technical sheet and uses
Healing crystal: Obsidian rainbow
Other name: Celestial eye
Related chakra: Root and crown chakras (n°1 and n°7)
Meaning and properties: Obsidian Rainbow, in lithotherapy, is a spiritual awakening stone
Power: 5/5
Hardness: 5 - 5.6
Deposit: Utah (USA), Mexico
Color: Black, green, blue, purple, orange
Chemical composition: Silicon dioxide
Cleansing, purification: Clear water, incense, earth
Activation, charging: Quartz clusters, sunlight, moonlight
Psychological benefits: Attenuates anxiety attacks and depression, dispels fears and contributes to self-acceptance
Energy healing benefits: Amplifies the aura, acts as a meditative guide, purifies and aligns the 7 chakras, shields against any bad external energies
Lucky zodiac stone for: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Chinese zodiac sign (fortifying crystal): Rat, Pig
Chinese zodiac sign (corrective stone): Earth Rooster
Chinese corrective element: Water, Wood, Fire
Vedic element: Earth
Jobs: All trades
Did you know? Obsidian Rainbow must be handled with great care and respect