Rat Horoscope 2022: Luck, Chinese zodiac Forecast
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Year of the Rat's complete & accurate predictions in 2022
Discover below the 2022 horoscope of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat with our annual astrological forecast specific to each type of Rat. Let us remember that what is commonly called the Chinese zodiac sign (or first pillar of destiny) corresponds to the association of the animal and the element of their year of birth: Wood Rat, Fire Rat, Earth Rat, Metal Rat and Water Rat.
We also offer solutions to help you have the luckiest Chinese year 2022 possible, thanks to the Rat's healing stones and Feng Shui colors for 2022, his main chakra to work on, his forecasts in love, health, money and career, without forgetting his best monthly periods for the achievement of his objectives.
2022 horoscope for Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal & Water Rats
🌳 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Wood Rat
The Wood Rat's Chinese horoscope 2022 is not as lenient as that of the previous year for the natives of the years 1924 and 1984. Likewise, the major events of 2022 will result directly from the actions carried out last year. At the same time, the Wood Rat could be brought out of his comfort zone if he wants to conquer new territories. Be careful, however, of the raptors that roam and who will not hesitate to take advantage of the hesitations of the explorer Wood Rat. Arguments should be avoided as much as possible, through dialogue and workaround strategies. Very appreciable support from influential people should allow the Wood Rat to get out of complicated situations at the right time. In 2022, the Wood Rat must look at things with unfailing optimism, despite the few pitfalls encountered on his way.
Wood Rat date | Score | Resolution |
05/02/1924 - 24/01/1925 | ★★★☆☆ | Adventure has a price |
02/02/1984 - 19/02/1985 |
🔥 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Fire Rat
The Fire Rat's Chinese horoscope 2022 predicts a contrasting year for men and women born in 1936 and 1996, with upheaval in all aspects of their daily lives. Thus, the Fire Rat could very well find himself confronted with in-depth changes affecting both his private life and his professional life. The Fire Rat in 2022 may sometimes be a little frustrated in the face of significant events over which he does not necessarily have control, with an uninterrupted alternation of positive and negative outcomes. Due to the influence of Water, the main element of the Chinese year 2022, seemingly innocuous situations may also hold unexpected surprises. In 2022, the far-sighted Fire Rat will be well advised to always have a plan B handy.
Fire Rat date | Score | Resolution |
24/01/1936 - 10/02/1937 | ★★★☆☆ | Controlled enthusiasm |
19/02/1996 - 06/02/1997 |
🗿 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Earth Rat
The Earth Rat's Chinese horoscope 2022 heralds a mastered year for Chinese zodiac signs born in 1948 and 2008, despite some conflicting situations and material constraints that can be overcome by showing intelligence and pragmatism. In 2022, the Earth Rat must be able to discreetly withdraw from projects that have become so perilous that they threaten its interests well beyond its initial investment. Without forcing fate too much, the Earth Rat should gain flair where luck is lacking and take into consideration the possibility that commitments made by third parties will not always be kept. Any risk of depression and anxiety but also any excess of enthusiasm must be detected and channeled wisely. Only a perfect organization of each project will allow the Earth Rat to fall back on its feet with elegance and flexibility.
Earth Rat date | Score | Resolution |
10/02/1948 - 28/01/1949 | ★★★★☆ | A solid structure |
07/02/2008 - 25/01/2009 |
🛠 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Metal Rat
The Metal Rat's Chinese horoscope 2022 offers men and women born in 1960 the prospect of an exciting year in which their expectations will be greatly rewarded. It is especially during the first part of the Chinese year 2022 that the Metal Rat will obtain the long coveted results of his great ambitions. Between his multiple trips and his new encounters, the Metal Rat will have to probe the depths of his soul in order to draw new resources of spiritual energy. This will help him structure his ideas and positively transform his outlook on life. With a little luck, the Metal Rat could even take advantage of 2022 to establish lasting and fruitful relationships, as long as he manages to combine his strength of character with the open-mindedness developed during his travels.
Metal Rat date | Score | Resolution |
28/01/1960 - 14/02/1961 | ★★★★☆ | The flexibility of the mind |
25/01/2020 - 11/02/2021 |
💧 Chinese horoscope 2022 for the Water Rat
The Water Rat's Chinese horoscope 2022 is indicative of a complicated year but nevertheless placed under the sign of protection for men and women born in 1972. Indeed, the Yang Water element of the Chinese year 2022 allows the Water Rat to keep his gains. For the Water Rat, the Year of the Tiger 2022 is a rewarding year from all points of view, in the service of education and information. However, the Water Rat will always be well advised to scrupulously check every piece of information obtained from reliable sources before making any decision that could commit his money or that of his family. Fortunately, the year 2022 gives the Water Rat the opportunity to prove his strength of character and to show fighting spirit in all areas.
Water Rat date | Score | Resolution |
15/02/1972 - 02/02/1973 | ★★★☆☆ | The keys to information |
Rat's Amulets, Feng Shui colors & Lucky periods in 2022

💎 Protective stones of the Rat in 2022
Amber is a fossil pine resin that is over 50 million years old. In 2022, the spiritual and healing power of amber will help the Rat to condense and free themselves from their negative energies. Worn around the neck or seeded in a rosary, amber will give it the strength to fight anxiety and help limit emotional excesses. At the same time, Amber will effectively accompany the Rat throughout the Chinese year 2022, attracting good luck and good news in its wake. Amber does not require any purification process. You just need to rinse it with water and then wipe it with a soft cloth.
Selenite has soothing properties on the entire nervous system. Its softness and voluptuous appearance give it the strength to come to the aid of people who suffer from love problems. Excellent source of energy to cool one-sided loves, Selenite will support the Rat in 2022 in his complex sentimental phases, giving him the ability to remain lucid and clairvoyant. Stone of intuition, some even claim that Selenite allows you to read the hearts of loved ones, even from a distance. This can be useful for the Rat who wishes to improve his intuition and preserve his emotional balance in the event of a long-distance relationship. Stone of serenity par excellence, Selenite can be placed on the desk at work as well as in the bedroom.
🎨 Rat Lucky Colors in 2022
- Lemon yellow
- Alabaster white
- Golden
Rat Lucky Months in 2022
Luckiest months for the Rat in 2022*: Month of the Dragon (April 2022), Month of the Snake (May 2022), Month of the Monkey (August 2022), Month of the Pig (November 2022), Month of the Rat (December 2022), Month of the Ox, Buffalo (January 2023)
Least favorable period: Month of the Horse (June 2022)
* Consult our daily Chinese horoscope throughout the Year of the Tiger 2022 for the exact dates of the luckiest days for the Rat in 2022.
Rat Health & Well-being in 2022
The possibly overweight Rat could take advantage of the dynamics of the first part of the Year of the Tiger 2022 to regain a silhouette that meets its summer expectations. In this perspective, the Rat must take care to adapt his diet according to his energy expenditure. Consulting a dietitian in order to set long-term goals could be one of the keys to getting back into shape.
Chakra the Rat should focus on in 2022
Manipura or solar plexus chakra, third of the 7 main chakras
The Rat's Chinese horoscope 2022 advises the first zodiac sign of Chinese astrology to pay particular attention to the personal development of his solar plexus chakra. On the emotional level, a work on the solar plexus chakra can help the Rat to become aware of himself and his limits, develop the affectivity that he transmits to others, but also broaden his sense of compassion and empathy. On a professional level, the opening of the third chakra will give him the means to refine his sensitivity to be more creative at work, will help him to consolidate his will and his ability to impose himself on others. Finally, the spontaneity that the Rat will benefit from following an opening and a work of his solar plexus chakra will allow him to be where he is not expected, able to find the best deals.
🧘🏽 Chakra | 🥕 Foods & Herbs | 🌶️ Spices | 👩⚕️ Organs |
Solar plexus (Manipura) | Eggs, lemon, Parsley | Garlic, Turmeric | Pancreas, Liver |
💖 Love, Marriage & Birth for the Rat in 2022
The love Chinese horoscope 2022 does not foresee any particular difficulties for the Rat in a relationship, unless his partner is of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Monkey (which is very likely). Sudden adventures, unusual stories, obsessive desires and profound transformations should punctuate the Rat's love life in 2022. For the Rat, 2022 could presage a return to his roots on a sentimental level, in the continuity of the profound changes initiated the previous year. No matter which direction he chooses to go, it will be a positive move in building self-esteem. However, this desire for structural renewal will not be without its pitfalls. The Rat who is still single following the Chinese New Year 2022 should not have too many illusions about his prospect of meeting a soul mate during the lunar year. He should have done it the year before and he is likely to regret having missed the opportunity. If the Rat is in a relationship again in 2022, there is no point in over-committing at the moment. It is then better to wait another year or two before moving in together, unless the Chinese zodiac sign of the partner is Dog or Pig (Boar).
💑 Love compatibility and marriage between the Rat and the Tiger
👶 Rat's relationship with a child TigerIs 2022 a good year to have a child for a parent Rat?
Unfortunately, the Chinese year 2022 is not a favorable year for the Rat parent, father or mother, who wishes to have a child, boy or girl, born during the Year of the Tiger 2022. No need to pretend, the two Chinese zodiac signs are not really compatible: the Rat preserves, the Tiger risks. However, it is very common for people born during the Year of the Rat to find themselves in a relationship with someone with the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig (Boar) or the Dog. In these cases, the birth of a Tiger child can be considered, provided that the family nucleus remains strong until the child comes of age, despite the difficulties encountered during his upbringing.
Parent-child Compatibility of Rat & Tiger
The relationship of a Rat parent and a Tiger child is rather neutral, as their common interests are few. Over the years, the Rat parent may be saddened not to recognize himself in the character of his child Tiger. He risks having the impression of not having been able to transmit to him the values to which he adheres. In addition, the precocious eccentricity of the child Tiger can create discomfort in his father or his mother of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat. In this type of situation, the more the Rat parent tries to establish his domination in order to maintain his Tiger child in the norms of society, the more his adolescence will be explosive and revolted. The Tiger child will then do as he pleases, which risks compromising his studies, due to the conflicting and anxiety-provoking family climate generated by this deep cry. Things will be less serious if the other parent is Dog or Pig (Boar).
💰 Money, Career & Social life of the Rat in 2022
The horoscope for the Year of the Water Tiger 2022 foresees an eventful and stimulating period for the Rat, especially for those who have been able to take the right direction. Indeed, professional successes as its failures inevitably depend on the intuitive strength that the Rat is able to demonstrate in 2022. Fortunately the Water element is there to protect him. The beginnings of careers, promotions and expatriation opportunities are dynamics that apply particularly to the Rat during the Year of the Tiger 2022. However, the decisions taken, even when they seem judicious, will not be able to reassure him of their relevance. Indeed, the Rat may very well doubt his professional choices in 2022. Similarly, the Rat could be pushed to take risks of which he does not see much interest. Only his capacity to find creative solutions will allow it to keep its place. In addition, new collaborations or strengthened associations with powerful people will allow it to improve its morale. But beware of the big fish, because many are unscrupulous sharks who do not care about the beautiful principles of the Rat. The Rat's main strength in 2022 is his ability to access information. With a little lucidity and sagacity, the Rat could avoid venturing into troubled waters with the hypothetical prospect of winning a few gold coins.