Scorpio 2019 Horoscope

♏ Scorpio 2019 horoscope - 2019 Free and Comprehensive Predictions of Scorpio from New Year 2019 and Month by Month in 2019
By KarmaWeather - 22 December 2018
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Personalized and accurate horoscope for Scorpio in 2019: love, money, career, education, travel, health, color of the year 2019, lucky number and lucky zodiac stone for Scorpio in 2019

Scorpio dates of birth range: the Sun crosses the zodiac constellation of Scorpio from October 24th until November 22nd
Symbol: Scorpion
Element: Water
Planet: Mars

2019 global score of Scorpio: 7 / 10

Character traits and personality of Scorpio in brief

Eighth zodiac sign of Western astrology, people born while the sun crosses the constellation of Scorpio are intelligent, creative, curious, sensual, but also prone to depression.

The natives of Scorpio are faithful with their friends, but vindictive and underhanded when they feel threatened.

Full Scorpio personality horoscope

Scorpio 2019 Horoscope: January, February 2019

Career and health horoscope 2019 of Scorpio

January and February 2019 score: 8 / 10
Astrological event: As of January 1, 2019, on New Year's Day 2019, Mars enters the House of Aries. The transit of Mars in the 1st House lasts until February 14, 2019. The planet Mars is in state of dignity of Domicile, in aspect of Conjunction. It is able to express all its power and its energy radiates in a positive way. The position of the planet Mars in Aries is favorable. Nothing comes to thwart the harmonious expression of its intrinsic qualities.

According to Scorpio's January and February 2019 horoscope, the passage of Mars into the House of Aries allows Scorpio to begin the new year under very good auspices. It is a cycle during which it is advisable to implement the good resolutions of the New Year 2019, for example by giving his time each week for the most needy ones by engaging in an association. During Mars in Aries, Scorpio feels the need to be more altruistic than it already is. His ego is favorably reinforced by his own generosity, even if his desire to help his neighbor must still remain his main motivation.

Scorpio 2019 Horoscope: March 2019

Career and money horoscope 2019 of Scorpio

March 2019 score: 6 / 10
Astrological event: From March 7, 2019, Jupiter and Pluto are in minor astrological aspect of semi-sextile (30 °). A semi-sextile appearance between Jupiter and Pluto is moderately positive both in terms of energy and the expression of their combined power. The semi-sextile between Jupiter and Pluto is an indicator of small achievements and mediocre gains. Those contemplating a change in their professional life should be content with maturing their project rather than putting it into effect.

According to Scorpio's March 2019 horoscope, it is possible to take advantage of this period, as soon as a little time becomes available, to prepare future plans for professional conquest: market research, competitive analysis, business plan, in-depth reflection on the best profiles of investors, partners and suppliers in the field prospected ... The quality of the maturation of one's project is a fundamental asset for those who intend to start their own account in the coming months. The need to go beyond one's own limits is reinforced by increased trust and a healthy ambition. Listening, dialogue and teamwork are part of the current modus operandi. During the period of Jupiter semi-sextile Pluto, it is possible to prepare and develop serenely the bricks of a future professional project through which a bright future is possible.

Scorpio 2019 Horoscope: April 2019

Love, family and health horoscope 2019 of Scorpio

April 2019 score: 7 / 10
Astrological event: From March 31, 2019, Mars enters the House of Gemini. The transit of Mars in the 3rd House lasts until May 14, 2019. The planet Mars in Gemini favors lively debates and rhetoric.

For Scorpio in April 2019, it is a good time to develop social relationships, meet new friends or fall in love. Planning a large family trip for the summer is also possible, preceded by a spiritual retreat, for example in one of the monasteries of the region of Darjeeling in the Indian Himalayas. For the natives of the astrological sign of Scorpio, it is a moment of tranquility during which it is possible to prepare effectively the coming months.

Scorpio 2019 Horoscope: May 2019

Love, family and health horoscope 2019 of Scorpio

May 2019 score: 6 / 10
Astrological event: From May 15, 2019, Mars enters the House of Cancer. The transit of Mars in the 4th House lasts until June 30, 2019. The Mars planet is in a debilitated state of Fall. It is in a phase of momentum in the prospect of carrying out a new cycle. The unfavorable position of the planet Mars in Cancer prevents it from revealing its true nature. Its energy is attenuated and its power extinguished. We can not expect anything very positive from this delicate period during which the family fabric has to tighten up to face possible storms.

According to Scorpio's May 2019 horoscope, natives of the Scorpio astrological sign must expect to overcome an emotional barrier, be it within their couple, their family, or one of their parents. During the period of March in Cancer, Scorpio has every interest in controlling the expression of his feelings, be patient and not get carried away by anger.

Scorpio 2019 Horoscope: June 2019

Career and travel horoscope 2019 of Scorpio

June 2019 score: 6 / 10
Astrological event: From June 14, 2019, Jupiter and Saturn are in minor astrological aspect of semi-sextile (30 °). A semi-sextile appearance between Jupiter and Pluto is moderately beneficial in terms of energy as well as the expression of their combined power. The semi-sextile between Jupiter and Saturn, whose relationship is neutral, presages achievements without scale. Do not expect to launch large projects during this period.

According to Scorpio's June 2019 horoscope, no significant achievement is to be considered. It seems better to stand aside while the horizon clears and opportunities (career, move) finally reappear. The ease and expansive power of Jupiter is paralyzed by the inhibition and doubt induced by Saturn. This is why, during the period of semi-sextile Jupiter Saturn, the sky is hardly heavy with promises. Yet, to feed on uncertainties, alone face to face with one's existential doubts, is not likely to germinate the seed sown in recent months. Do not hesitate to go out and meet new people.

Scorpio 2019 Horoscope: July, August 2019

Love, money, family and health Horoscope 2019 of Scorpio

July 2019 score: 8 / 10
Astrological event: As of July 1, 2019, Mars enters the Lion House. The transit of Mars in the 5th House lasts until August 17, 2019. The planet Mars in Leo is in dignity status of Trigonocracy, also called Planetary Joy. Even if the effects of this state of dignity are minor, they are nonetheless very positive.

According to Scorpio's July 2019 horoscope, it's a fulfilling moment for the senses but also conducive to risk-taking and impulsivity. It is best to avoid playing lotto or speculating on the stock market. The native of Scorpio makes the most of the beneficial effects of Planetary Joy by spending as much time as possible at home. If he is married, Scorpio's relationship with his partner is harmonious. A birth can brighten even more the good mood of the home. For Scorpio who is in a relationship recently, his sexuality is fulfilled and his couple, happy, looks to the future with confidence. During the transit from Mars to Leo, Scorpio is radiant to the point that he is able to spend lavishly to please himself and those he loves. It is preferable that he avoids being tempted by games of chance and enjoys his happiness in the simplicity and warmth of his home, with his family or with his close friends.

Scorpio 2019 Horoscope: August, September, October 2019

Love, family and health horoscope 2019 of Scorpio

August and September 2019 score: 7 / 10
Astrological event: From August 18, 2019, Mars enters the House of the Virgin. The transit of Mars in the 6th House lasts until October 3, 2019. The planet Mars in Virgo encourages vigilance

In view of the August and September 2019 horoscope of Scorpio, domestic problems and health hassles can not be ruled out. This is a dynamic period, during which Scorpio must carefully take care of the classification of his affairs and improve his personal organization. On a professional level, this is not the time to embark on a new project or to change jobs, but rather to improve one's daily life by devoting oneself to the tasks essential to the good functioning of the company (accounting, storage, cleaning and decoration of the office). For the natives of the astrological sign of Scorpio, it is good to remember that the passage of Mars in the Virgin remains a delicate period, during which Scorpio must pay particular attention to his health.

September and October 2019 score: 7 / 10
Astrological event: As of September 18, 2019, Saturn is going live again in the House of Capricorn. The transit of Saturn in the 10th House lasts until March 22, 2020. Following a retrograde movement, Saturn returns to a symbolic direction from the earth forward, in direct appearance. Returned to its "natural" mobility, the energies of the planet are no longer thwarted and its power can be clearly expressed. Saturn direct in Capricorn helps to reduce the energy dispersions and to concretize the actions undertaken. The ambition that drives this period is a positive driver, provided you do not neglect your family by too long absences or uncontrolled impulsiveness.

The native of the astrological sign of Scorpio in September and October 2019 therefore has an interest in being extremely patient and cautious if he wants to profit sustainably from the success that is within his reach. Thus Alexander the Great, in spite of his fulminating conquest of the ancient world, from Greece to the gates of India, allowed his empire to disintegrate quickly after his death, for want of having organized his succession. Thus, at our level of mere mortals, it is sometimes better to go up the ladder one by one without hurry, because it gives time to consolidate one's achievements and to protect one's family from need.

Scorpio 2019 Horoscope: November, December 2019

Love, family and health horoscope 2019 of Scorpio

November and December 2019 score: 7 / 10
Astrological event: From November 19, 2019, Mars enters the House of Scorpio. The transit of Mars in the 8th House lasts until January 3, 2020. The planet Mars is in state of dignity of Domicile, in aspect of Conjunction. It is able to express all its power and its energy radiates in a positive way. The position of the planet Mars in Scorpio is favorable. Nothing comes to thwart the harmonious expression of its intrinsic qualities.

For the natives of the astrological sign of Scorpio in November and December 2019, the conjunction of their planet in their own House allows them to begin the last part of the year 2019 under very good auspices. It is a cycle during which Scorpio decides to completely recast many aspects that governed his daily life until then. Aries feels in full possession of his physical abilities. In public, he perfectly controls his emotions. In private, he shows a joyful charm that is matched only by his radiant and radiant sensuality. During the Mars period in Scorpio, the optimistic and happy Scorpio should not be dispersed by too many activities. Rather, it is in his best interest to keep his strength for the winter and the 2020 New Year which is fast approaching.

Number and lucky colors for Scorpio in 2019

Scorpio 2019 lucky number: 32
Scorpio 2019 lucky color: blue

Healing stone and chakra for Scorpio in 2019

Protective zodiac stone of Scorpio for the year 2019: turquoise
Chakra to work specifically in 2019 for Scorpio: Throat chakra (n°5)
Essential oil: Ginger
Herbs: Peppermint

2019 Scorpio combined Horoscope with the 12 signs of Chinese Astrology - Score and yearly resolution

2019 Scorpio combined Horoscope with the 12 signs of Chinese Astrology, by KarmaWeather
Combined Solar
+ Chinese zodiac
of Birth
(out of 10)
🐭 Scorpio Rat 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972,
1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
🐮 Scorpio Ox 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973,
1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Stay lucid
🐯 Scorpio Tiger 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974,
1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Enjoy the year, with caution
🐰 Scorpio Rabbit 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975,
1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Serene consolidation
🐲 Scorpio Dragon 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976,
1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
A new hope
🐍 Scorpio Snake 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977,
1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Keep a low profile
🐴 Scorpio Horse 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978,
1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Tranquility of the home
🐐 Scorpio Goat 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979,
1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Great opportunities
🐵 Scorpio Monkey 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968,
1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Success is within reach
🐔 Scorpio Rooster 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969,
1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Controlled destiny
🐶 Scorpio Dog 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970,
1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Happiness at home
🐷 Scorpio Pig 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971,
1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Be ambitious!

Discover now! Reading the free and complete 2019 annual horoscope for the 12 signs of the zodiac will allow you to effectively complete the astrological predictions specific to your sign. Indeed, the annual horoscope 2019 takes into account major and minor astrological events that have a strong and lasting influence on the 12 signs of astrology: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

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