Aquarius 2019 Horoscope

♒ Aquarius 2019 horoscope - 2019 Free and Comprehensive Predictions of Aquarius from New Year 2019 and Month by Month in 2019
By KarmaWeather - 27 December 2018
© KarmaWeather by Konbi - All rights reserved

Personalized and accurate horoscope for Aquarius in 2019: love, money, career, education, travel, health, color of the year 2019, lucky number and lucky zodiac stone for Aquarius in 2019

Aquarius dates of birth range: the Sun crosses the zodiac constellation of Aquarius from January 21st until February 19th
Symbol: Water carrier
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus

2019 global score of Aquarius: 7 / 10

Character traits and personality of Aquarius in brief

Eleventh zodiac sign of the Western calendar, people born under the protection of the constellation of Aquarius are cerebral and sensual beings.

Willingly polemicists, they're not without humor, even if their degree of sociability is actually rather low. Independent and rebellious, they dislike any type of resistance to their whims, and they don't accept being given orders.

Full Aquarius personality horoscope

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: January, February 2019

Career horoscope 2019 of Aquarius

January and February 2019 score: 8 / 10
Astrological event: From January 23, 2019, Saturn and Neptune are in major astrological aspect of sextile (60 °). The sextile of Saturn and Neptune lasts until February 14, 2019. The sextile of Saturn and Neptune is a very favorable major aspect, which instills a positive spirit, marked by cooperation, solidarity and inspiration in the service of the collective. The sextile aspect of Saturn and Neptune encourages dreams to come true. Doubts dissipate while collective utopias for a better future find concrete applications.

According to the January and February 2019 horoscope of Aquarius, it is high time to finally believe in your own dreams. Projects with a strong social dimension are more likely to find the public and private funding they need to grow. During Neptune's Saturn sextile, personal ambition can be rewarded if it manages to serve the group or the community.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: March 2019

Career and health horoscope 2019 of Aquarius

March 2019 score: 4 / 10
Astrological event: From March 5, 2019, Mercury retrograde in the House of Pisces. The retrograde transit of Mercury in the 12th House lasts until March 28, 2019. The retrograde movement of Mercury in Pisces weakens the activities associated with the planet. Conflicts and disturbances of all kinds are to be expected. The unfavorable position of the planet Mercury in Pisces prevents it from revealing its true nature. Its energy is attenuated and its power extinguished.

According to Aquarius' March 2019 horoscope, the Aquarius native should not expect anything effective to be accomplished during this troubled cycle. It is best to stay at home as much as possible, not to embark on new projects and take care of your health. During Mercury retrograde Pisces, it is advisable to avoid if possible to disperse in activities certainly distracting, but especially time-consuming and hardly constructive. Watch out for the overwork of video games.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: April, May 2019

Career, love and family horoscope 2019 of Aquarius

April and May 2019 score: 5 / 10
Astrological event: From April 29, 2019, Saturn retrograde in the House of Capricorn. The transit of Saturn in the 10th House lasts until September 28, 2019. The retrograde movement of Saturn in Capricorn weakens the activities associated with the planet. Conflicts and disturbances of all kinds are to be expected. For the one whose social rise has been as high as his ambition was strong, it is better to keep a low profile to avoid jeopardizing a perfectly smooth image so far.

According to the April and May 2019 horoscope, the native of the Aquarius astrological sign has an interest in being extremely patient and cautious if he does not want to jeopardize his chances of achieving success one day. The pitfalls and periods of doubt are part of the journey of all those who left a mark in history. During the retrograde Saturn period in Capricorn, your time has not arrived yet, stay focused on your goals.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: June, July 2019

Career horoscope 2019 of Aquarius

June and July 2019 score: 7 / 10
Astrological event: As of June 3, 2019, Saturn and Neptune are in astrological major aspect of sextile (60 °). The sextile of Saturn and Neptune lasts until July 3, 2019. The sextile of Saturn and Neptune is a very favorable major aspect, which instills a positive spirit, marked by cooperation, solidarity and inspiration in the service of the collective. The sextile aspect of Saturn and Neptune encourages dreams to come true. Doubts dissipate while collective utopias for a better future find concrete applications.

According to the 2019 horoscope of Aquarius, it is the second time in the year 2019 that Saturn sextile Neptune. It is time to take stock of planned projects in the last two weeks of January. If the previous phase concerned the shaping and structuring of what was initially a confused dream, it is now a question of concretizing the project by actively seeking funds. During Saturn sextile Neptune, those who develop projects with a social and ecological dimension are right to take advantage of the month of June 2019 to meet business angels, because their mood is favorably influenced by the prospect of their next departure on vacation on the French Riviera.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: August 2019

Travels and career horoscope 2019 of Aquarius

August 2019 score: 8 / 10
Astrological event: From August 11, 2019, Jupiter goes back live in the House of Sagittarius. Following a retrograde movement, Jupiter returns to a symbolic direction from the ground forward, in direct appearance. Returned to its "natural" mobility, the energies of the planet are no longer thwarted and its power can be clearly expressed. Direct Jupiter in Sagittarius makes it possible to reduce the energy dispersions and to concretize the actions undertaken. Far-away travel is beneficial and investments in foreign countries can be smart.

For the native of Aquarius in August 2019, it is time to explore new territories and conquer new fields of expression. Luck and fortune are at your fingertips, provided you are ready to jump from one airport to another if necessary and display a deep moral rigor. It would be very wrong to use a good talk with impunity to satisfy one's thirst for recognition and wealth at the expense of the most vulnerable people in society. During the period of Jupiter in Sagittarius, the mission you swore to accomplish needs only your unwavering will and the greatness of your soul to bear fruit.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: September, October 2019

Career, love and family horoscope 2019 of Aquarius

September and October 2019 score: 7 / 10
Astrological event: As of September 18, 2019, Saturn is going live again in the House of Capricorn. The transit of Saturn in the 10th House lasts until March 22, 2020. Following a retrograde movement, Saturn returns to a symbolic direction from the earth forward, in direct appearance. Returned to its "natural" mobility, the energies of the planet are no longer thwarted and its power can be clearly expressed. Saturn direct in Capricorn helps to reduce the energy dispersions and makes it possible to concretize the actions undertaken. The ambition that drives this period is a positive driver, provided you do not neglect your family by too long absences or uncontrolled impulsiveness.

The native of the astrological sign of Aquarius in September and October 2019 therefore has an interest in being extremely patient and cautious if he wants to make the most of the success that is within his reach. Alexander the Great, in spite of his fulminating conquest of the ancient world, from Greece to the gates of India, allowed his empire to disintegrate quickly after his death, for want of having organized his succession. Thus, at our level of mere mortals, it is sometimes better to go up the ladder one by one without hurry, because it gives time to consolidate one's achievements and to protect one's family from need.

Aquarius 2019 Horoscope: November, December 2019

Career horoscope 2019 of Aquarius

November and December 2019 score: 8 / 10
Astrological event: From October 28, 2019, Saturn and Neptune are in major astrological aspect of sextile (60 °). The sextile of Saturn and Neptune lasts until November 19, 2019 (Orb <1 °). The sextile of Saturn and Neptune is a very favorable major aspect. It marks the period concerned by a positive breath of cooperation, solidarity and inspiration in the service of the collective. The sextile aspect of Saturn and Neptune encourages dreams to come true. Doubts dissipate while collective utopias for a better future find concrete applications.

According to the November and December 2019 horoscope of Aquarius, it is now appropriate to analyze the results of the project initiated during the first Neptune sextile Saturn of the year in January 2019 and consolidated during the second sextile in June 2019. Some will have had the chance to see their project take off and begin to bear its first fruits on the eve of its first birthday. Others, less fortunate, are likely to question some of their strategic choices and decide whether the sacrifices made so far are worth pursuing. During the period of Saturn sextile Neptune, for those who have launched a new professional project this year, who find the long time and funding difficult to obtain, this is not the time to give up. For the others who are starting to see their dreams take shape, this is just the beginning of the adventure...

Number and lucky colors for Aquarius in 2019

Aquarius 2019 lucky number: 1, 76
Aquarius 2019 lucky color: Black, white, purple

Healing stone and chakra for SSS in 2019

Protective zodiac stone of Aquarius for the year 2019: Obsidian rainbow
Chakra to work specifically in 2019 for Aquarius: Crown chakra (n°7)
Essential oil: Rosewood
Herbs: Thyme

2019 Aquarius combined Horoscope with the 12 signs of Chinese Astrology - Score and yearly resolution

2019 Aquarius combined Horoscope with the 12 signs of Chinese Astrology, by KarmaWeather
Combined Solar
+ Chinese zodiac
of Birth
(out of 10)
🐭 Aquarius Rat 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972,
1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
🐮 Aquarius Ox 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973,
1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Stay lucid
🐯 Aquarius Tiger 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974,
1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Enjoy the year, with caution
🐰 Aquarius Rabbit 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975,
1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Serene consolidation
🐲 Aquarius Dragon 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976,
1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
A new hope
🐍 Aquarius Snake 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977,
1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Keep a low profile
🐴 Aquarius Horse 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978,
1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Tranquility of the home
🐐 Aquarius Goat 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979,
1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Great opportunities
🐵 Aquarius Monkey 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968,
1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Success is within reach
🐔 Aquarius Rooster 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969,
1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Controlled destiny
🐶 Aquarius Dog 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970,
1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Happiness at home
🐷 Aquarius Pig 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971,
1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Be ambitious!

Discover now! Reading the free and complete 2019 annual horoscope for the 12 signs of the zodiac will allow you to effectively complete the astrological predictions specific to your sign. Indeed, the annual horoscope 2019 takes into account major and minor astrological events that have a strong and lasting influence on the 12 signs of astrology: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

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